Our Story

Celebrating the History of one of Kingston's Squares most famous residents,
Madame Clapham Hull's famous society dressmaker.

Telephone: +44 (0) 1482 225828
Email: enquiries@kingstontheatrehotel.com


Our History and Heritage
Madame Clapham, known as Hull’s most celebrated dressmaker, opened her dressmaking salon in Kinston Square in Hull in 1887.

She was formally Miss Emily MacVitie, born in Cheltenham in 1856; she left school at a young age to serve a dressmaking apprenticeship at Marshall and Snelgrove in Scarborough.  She began her career by picking pins from the floor and eventually, she became a fully qualified and skilled dressmaker.  It was recognised that she was obviously talented and was able to make a successful career from her dressmaking talent.

With her husband Haig Clapham, she eventually went into business and they invested their savings into purchasing number 1 Kingston Square in Hull.  Working from Kingston Square her ambition was to attract the custom of the high society ladies within the region. Emily Clapham’s skill was to select aspects of the latest Paris and London fashions and put them together and create her own individual designs for society ladies and prominent families.  

Her reputation was at its height from 1890, and from modest beginnings the salon blossomed into a thriving and successful business.  The salon was so successful it earned itself a special reputation within the area and attracted customers from beyond the East Riding, she travelled to York, Harrogate and London, and visits were also made to Sandringham to display garments to Queen Maud of Norway, who was Emily’s most prestigious client. At the Kingston Theatre Hotel, we are proud of our history and the achievements of Madame Clapham and have named our own award-winning restaurant after this remarkable and talented lady.

Hotel entrance featuring the Clapham name
Hotel entrance featuring the Clapham name
Kingston Theatre Hotel Victorian Suites
Kingston Theatre Hotel Victorian Suites
An illustration of Kingston Square
An illustration of Kingston Square

No 1 Kingston Square today…

Purchased by the Osborne family in 1986, No 1 Kingston Square was developed into a 20-bedroom hotel. In 1999, No 5 Kingston Square was purchased, adding a further 10 executive-style suites to the hotel's portfolio.

Since Harry’s retirement his Son, Gary took over the reins, his career spans 38 years within the hotel industry along with siblings Angela and Micheal. Today we are delighted that the next generation is Involved in continuing the success of the hotel hopefully for many years to come

The hotel has been no stranger to celebrity status, conveniently situated opposite the Hull New Theatre many actors of stage and screen have frequented the hotel, and in March 2023 Her Majesty Princess Royal stayed at the hotel which is one of the pinnacles of our 38-year History

In 1985, the hotel was featured location in what can only be described as a UK national treasure, Fools and Horses feature film to Hull and Back, where Delboy begins to hatch his plan to outwit Slater, the detective and Del's Nemesis.... Lovely Jubbly!



We are pleased to announce that the Kingston Theatre Hotel
has been awarded the Travelers' Choice Award for 2025